Posts tagged Home Staging
Why Isn't My Listing Selling?

Some people may say, “I live here, I can’t take out all my furnishings and bring in all new things.” That is where Occupied Home Staging comes into play. Our staging professional will evaluate the home either in person or via remote video or photos, and provide a detailed written report with staging recommendations for each room. At that point, the do-it-yourself- type seller will jump in and take the ball forward implementing the recommendations. A second option is to have Just Beautiful Home Interiors return to the property and hands-on stage each room, making it photo ready. Staging rentals such as art, accessories, throw pillows, lamps, etc. are provided to update the look of listing.

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Home Staging is the Key to Selling Faster and For More Money

Is it the year to put your home on the market?  If so there are a number of things to consider--and occupied home staging is one thing that will make a difference in the time a home spends on the market and the price for which is sells.  Believe it or nor, home buying is a very psychological/emotional decision for some, and so creating a home that appeals to a broad range of buyers is the key. 

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