Houston Heights Staging Before & After


Here is another edition of Thursday Therapy, aka Before and After Therapy.

There is something cathartic about having everything in it’s place. The application of the theory, “less is more,” comes to life in this gorgeous Houston Heights town home.

A lovely family abode, these sellers were highly-motivated and took every ounce of advice put forth in their initial JBHI pre-staging consultation, which made such a difference in the finished product. Yes, product. A very marketable one indeed, sold in only 17 days. This is the goal. Create an enticing product for your buyers. Remember and cherish your home, yes, but cut ties to it emotionally when it is time to sell.

But, but, but, this is the home where I brought home my first child, hosted all the wonderful gatherings with family and friends, decorated it with all the wonderful travel mementos of days past. Of course it is. But to the interested buyer, it is a product, that is waiting to become “their” haven. A place where they will make their memories and cherish those wonderful attributes of the home. And that is where staging comes in. It highlights all the wonderful details of the home, while downplaying any personal influences of you, the owner. We do this by artfully and pleasingly arranging the furnishings, removing personal photography and accolades and by creating the dream using emotional connection points and organization.

I hope you enjoy this video edition of Before & After Therapy. If you do, drop me a comment or a share, and as always, thanks for watching and dropping by! Click the arrow on the photo below to see the transformation.